Real-time data through web application

Online applications
Data from the SiWIM system is presented to its users via SiWIM-S and SiWIM-M online applications. Both applications feature user-friendly interfaces and can be accessed via smartphones, tablets and computers.

SiWIM-M and SiWIM-S applications
SiWIM-M enables live monitoring of heavy goods vehicles, which is especially useful for law enforcement agencies in preselection of overweight vehicles. Gross vehicle weight, axle loads, speed, direction of travel and other data are presented together with a photo and a license plate of each vehicle.
SiWIM-M app is customized to local regulations on heavy traffic, so it can calculate loading deviations from applicable legislation.

SiWIM-S application gives its users access to a complete statistical overview of a measuring site. Interactive charts of gross vehicle weight over a custom time period present a clear picture of daily distribution of heavy traffic and show graphically the share of overweight vehicles together with outlying HGVs which severely violated weight regulations.
Data gathered by SiWIM is also presented in a preliminary report, where users can see various traffic statistics – from the percentage of overweight HGVs to the hourly distribution of heavy traffic and ESAL calculation.