Evaluating the lifespan of the bridge

Powerful tool for bridge assessment
SiWIM bridge weigh-in-motion system is a powerful tool for bridge assessments which give the owners of the infrastructure crucial information on the expected residual lifetime of a bridge, evaluation of bridge postings and serve as a basis for maintenance plans.

Data based on real traffic loads
The vast majority of bridges, viaducts and culverts used by people every day are completely unmonitored by modern technological solutions which are often used on the largest bridges.
SiWIM is the first system in the world that can be installed on virtually any bridge in a couple of hours and provide evaluation of the state of the structure based on real traffic loads. It is especially useful for large-scale evaluation of multiple bridges, since the system is fully portable and can be quickly moved to another location after a successful measurement.

The SiWIM bridge assessment
The SiWIM bridge assessment gives bridge experts information about the influence line of a bridge, real traffic loads experienced by the structure, girder distribution factor and dynamic amplification factor.
Based on this output, a rating factor of the bridge is calculated on the basis of which the owner of the infrastructure can adjust the maintenance cycles and re-evaluate the maintenance policy and protection measures currently in place.